Sunday, September 23, 2007

New Moon Rising

Amidst all these talk of crushes and dates and work and stuff, I finally realized that one significant date is just around the corner. The Ex’s birthday. Yup, I am going down memory lane.

My niece’s birthday falls in September also and I had planned to take her (and her brother and my sister) to Sunway Lagoon. So since The Ex’s birthday falls a week before hers, I thought I could take him with, thus introducing him to my family.

However, since it is Ramadan, that plan got scrapped and I’d take them out in October. Unfortunately, we broke up so all that plan went to the big hole in the sky.

Even though we had known each other for a short time and we were officially together for an even shorter time period, it felt like a lifetime.

Happy Birthday. May you mature as you age and may you be happy with whoever it is that you are with. Hope you find whatever it is that was lacking in me…


savante said...

So are you gonna celebrate?

Evan Owens said...

Celebrate what? My niece's birthday? Sure... anything else... nope...

Musang said...

alahai... ex's birthdays...

me dah lupa diaorg punya bday. sebab... takde maknanya nak ingat ingat~~...

Evan Owens said...

Recent ex lar... still remember...