Friday, March 28, 2008


Bowling is a favorite activity of mine. That, and sex. Okay not really sex. Okay, yes, sex. Not really. Oh, I’m sure you get it…

Bowling. Yes. I love bowling. I was first introseduced to bowling in 1996 I think. But I did not get into the full swing (pun intended) of it until I went to America. Bowling was cheap there.

On Tuesdays and Wednesday nights, after 9 pm, it was 99 cents per game. On Thursdays, it was 25 cents per game (but you gotta pay cover charge of 5 bucks). Fridays and Saturdays are Cyber Bowling where you bowl in the dark or UV light and the bowling balls change color. That’s USD7 for two whole hours.

Anyways, that’s where I got hooked. Plus, there was nothing else to do in Pueblo (the town where I was studying at). I don’t do like going to straight clubs and I don’t drink. It was either the movies or bowling. Or study or work.

Now, I ain’t saying I am good but I ain’t bad either. Heheheheh. Ever since I got back from America, I’ve had this resolution. I wanted to bowl a game of over 200. I had achieved 201 in 2001 and then in 2002 I got 202. I beat my own highest score.

Last Saturday, I finally achieved it. My resolution. I bowled a game of 211!! It took me 6 years but I finally got it!! Yay me!!!

Now that the celebration’s over, I gotta bowl a game of 220 next… wonder if that would take me another 6 years…

P/S – Work sitch is no better but at least my Director dismissed the whole drama as another one of my boss’ craziness.


huggyteddy said...

*bowing up and down* "we are not worthy, we are not worthy!"

Evan Owens said...

well, you'd have been a lot better than me if you wud play...

Medie007 said...

ooo yay! bowler!
all the best on the go for 220!
i think i bowled for 50. kakakaka

Evan Owens said...

Thanks ah-bong! :)

Am sure you don't bowl for 50 only...